LHD - Left hand drive
Traffic on the right side of the road, the steering wheel is on the left side. The vehicle is left-hand drive.
Sweden switched from left-hand to right-hand traffic at Dagen H in 1967. However, the vehicles in Sweden were left-hand drive before that.
RHD - Right hand drive
Traffic on the left side of the road, the steering wheel is on the right side. The vehicle is right-hand drive.
Countries with left-hand drive: In Europe: Great Britain, Ireland, Cyprus and Malta. Australia, India, South Africa, Japan
A prototype for a right-hand drive vehicle was completed in March 1961, and series production began in February 1962 [CW].
The difference LHD - RHD
Headlights, mirror glasses, parts of the steering, dashboard, support plate for left foot and many other details.