
I have just completed an update to the Wiring Diagrams for the 1800 E and ES models.

The new diagrams include the Wire Gauge codes used on the Volvo diagrams.  There are a couple of other small alterations – colour of the Battery Negative cable, and a corrected routing of the Fuse Box wiring Bus between terminals 1 and 2.

wa volvo p 1800

Warren Townsend (Volvo 1800-120 Club Australia) had some time ago very carefully edited and coloured the electrical schematics of the 1800E and 1800ES models. They are available in PDF format and can therefore be enlarged or printed in sections as required.

During the revision of his Volvo 1800E Warren also noticed that the original wiring diagrams in the workshop manuals are not so easy to read, only black and white and pressed into A4 format. So he first draws the plan for his car. In the Volvo community his work met with great interest, he was asked to draw a schematic for a Volvo 1800ES. And that was the start of the project "All schematics of the models P1800, 1800S, 1800E and 1800ES, from 1969 to 1973".

A back-breaking work, to gather all schematics together, to sift them and then to create the different layouts in vector graphics! The names of the components are entered in the plan and do not need to be searched for in a separate table.

We would like to thank Warren, who provides the electricians with such clear circuit diagrams free of charge!

A tip: Print out the desired plan in A3 format and laminate it.

Click here for the workshop and the Kopplingsscheman.