Det er ikke let at lave en komplet liste over alle de bøger, der nævner eller beskriver VOLVO P1800. Vi vil alligevel prøve, og i dette kapitel præsenterer vi bøger om VOLVO P1800 og AB VOLVO's historie.

Hvis du har mere detaljerede og yderligere oplysninger, vil vi være glade for at høre fra dig.

pictureTitle: Swedish iron: aka Volvo 1800: 1961-1973
1800 History and Restoration Guide
Author: Webb, Bill.
Publisher: Self Published
Year: 1988
Physical descr.: viii, 152 p. : ill. 200; 29 cm
Subject: Volvo automobile -- History
LC Control No.: 8890022
Price: 50.00 USD

Den, der er så heldig at eje en model af P 1800-serien, vil kende denne bog udenad. Ikke kun på grund af den del, der beskriver udviklings- og produktionshistorien, men især på grund af det omfattende kapitel om restaurering. Alle Coupés svage punkter er beskrevet.

For venner af cubanske Volvo'er er bogen for dyr, men de, der holder af at bevare og øge værdien af en klassisk Volvo 1800, vil gå på jagt efter denne bog i antikvariatet.



VOLVO P1800 - from idea to prototype and production

This book teils the story of the Volvo P1800, about the time when the first idea was born and the process that led up to its design, engineering and the first years of series production. A story which had no given answers, a story full of dramatic and exciting events, a story filled with challenges and problems.

The story brings the reader back to 1956 and covers the events up to 1963, letting the people who were part of the project and process behind it teil us what really happened, richly illustrated with photographs that have never been published before.

The book is the Svenska Volvo P1800 club tribute to the Volvo P1800, to the people who made the car, put it into production, created the myth, and the enthusiasts of the world that care for the Volvo P1800, its heritage, its history and its future.

Author: Mats Eriksson & Kenneth Collander
Publisher: Trafik-Nostalgiska Förlaget and Swedish Volvo P1800 Club
Year: 2011
Physical descr.: 280 p. : ill. 500; 297 x 225 mm
Subject: Volvo automobile -- History
ISBN 978-9 8627571-6

Languages: Swedish or English

Picture groth

VOLVO 1800 svensk teknik og italiensk elegance

Tekniske beskrivelser af samtlige årgange af Volvo 1800, en præsentation af modellens forhistorie og designfase samt en gennemgang af Volvo 1800's optræden i film og reklamer.

Author: Per Groth
Publisher: Motorploven
Year: 2011
Physical descr.: 336 p. : ill. 500;180 x 252 mm
Subject: Volvo automobile -- History
ISBN 978-87-91427-28-2

Language: Dansk

murray buyers guide

Titel: Volvo P1800/1800S, E & ES 1961 to 1973: Essential Buyer's Guide
Author: Neil Murray
Edition: 1. Ed.
Publisher: Veloce Publishing Ltd
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Umfang/Format: 64 S. : 14 x 20 cm
ISBN: 978-1787112773
Einband/Preis: Paperback : 16,73 USD

Sprache: Englisch

Whether already a Volvo P1800 owner, a prospective owner or simply an admirer, you'll find many useful nuggets of information here.

Especially important if you are contemplating the purchase of one of the best looking classic sports cars ever produced, this handy pocket-sized book will guide you through how to select the right car, and provide essential advice on finding, buying and evaluating a Volvo P1800.

Covering all versions of the 1800 from carburettor-equipped Coupés to electronically fuel-injected Shooting Brakes (Estates), you'll find the correct original specifications, and advice on how to spot potential body and mechanical problems.