more fun

In this chapter "In the workshop" we have put together all the technical information that is important for a relaxing and carefree journey, be it on a short trip, on the way to the in-laws or when taking part in a demanding rally

Many of the articles are based on the workshop manuals and service notices from VOLVO AB on the one hand, and on the other hand, on the experiences, information, tips and tricks gained in daily practice.

We divide the contributions into three groups.

            Konstruktion und Funktion
Beschreibung von Aufbau und Wirkungsweise der verschieden Bauteile.

            Störungssuche, Reparatur und Instandhaltung
Anleitungen zur Fehlerermittlung und Beschreibung der regulären Reparatur- und Instandsetzungsarbeiten.

Anweisungen zur Generalüberholung von ausgebauten Motoren, Getrieben, Achsen, etc.

Alle Beiträge werden laufend überarbeitet, ergänzt und erweitert. Für Anregungen und für Hinweise, auch auf sachliche Fehler, sind die Autoren dankbar.

Frequently Asked Questions | Fragen und Antworten

Check: Are the correct components installed? The BOSCH and VOLVO order numbers of the components

Electronic Control Unit (ECU): Aufbau, Aus- und Einbau, Reparatur und Service

Main relay, relay for fuel pump, relay for cold start valve (model years 1970 and 1971), technical features

Einspritzventile: Konstruktion, Funktion, Technische Daten, Dichtringe, Aus- und Einbau, Reinigung und Revision

Cold start valve, cold-start relay, thermal timer: design, function, test procedures

Zusatzluftschieber: Konstruktion, Funktion, Prüfverfahren, Reparaturmöglichkeiten, Ersatz

Luftfilter und Ansaugschlauch

The D-Jetronic fuel injection system has also been installed in vehicles from other manufacturers.

For care and maintenance of the D-Jetronic system, we recommend the VOLVO Service Manuals (SM). Those who have read up a little will realise that the injection system and its components are not as complicated as some people report.

The customer service manuals from BOSCH are available as PDF files on the Internet or as antiquarian booklets.

Department 3 Electrical System comprises these groups:

  • Battery
  • Alternator and regulator switch
  • Sarter
  • Ignition system
  • lighting
  • Other electrical equipment: turn signals, ignition lock, signal horns, windscreen wipers, windshield washers, switches, interior lighting, switching relays, fuses, brake light switches
  • Instruments
  • Circuit diagrams


1965 01 0001

An air conditioning system was not available from the factory. The dealers could order the necessary parts from Volvo, the supplier of the FrigiKing unit F-500 was Frigikar Corporation, Dallas (TX),

A special catalogue lists the part numbers of FrigiKing and Volvo. There is also a service manual in group 9 (92) with installation instructions for Volvo 140 and 164.

For the classic car rally